I love Tabitha Brown and in a lot of ways I would love to be her, so this is an interesting situation. I think it really all boils down to having a plan B because multinationals of course want to make as much money out of you as possible and they will use your fan base or constituency to do it.
At the time, she made what was a really extremely smart marketing move in all of our eyes but now I guess she is locked into a contract for another year ... I haven't substantiated this, but either way she's kind of left in a swamp land.
She could come out with her own line of seasonings, if she didn't get locked into McCormick in terms of contracts and whatnot, and I believe that she owns her own hair care line with someone else so she should be good on that.
I definitely take this as a wake-up call for all of us to make sure that we reap the benefits of our own brand and intellectual property. The policies of companies and governments change and so we have to be aware of these macroeconomic factors.